otherwise agreed in writing by the Insurer, no benefit or reimbursement
shall be paid by the Insurer under this Policy in respect of claims
arising from :
- Any kind of Covered Condition detected within the first :
- 1. Thirty (30) days from the Original Inception Date
- All Covered Conditions which occur/arise within 30 (thirty) days from the Original Inception Date, unless caused by an Accident.
- 2. Twelve (12) months from the Original Inception Date for all of the following:
- 2. 1. Multiple Sclerosis
- 2. 2. Asthma, Tuberculosis (TBC)
- 2. 3. Varicose veins, haemorrhoids, etc
- 2. 4. Cardio Vascular Disease, hypertension and hypotension, Coronary Heart Disease, Heart Disease (MCI),
- Heart Attack, etc
- 2. 5. Cerebrovascular Disorder (stroke)
- 2. 6. Epilepsy
- 2. 7. Cancer of all types and tumors of all kinds.
- 2. 8. Thyroid gland disorders/mumps such as hypothyroidsm, hyperthyroidism (thyroid gland
- enlargement),
- 2. 9. Hepatitis B, Hepatitis Non A Non B, Hepatitis C.
- 2. 10. Gastro-intestinal disorders, including stomach disorders, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Appendix /,
- Liver, Gall Bladder(example: Inflammation of Bile Stone) dyspepsia and other Digestive Tract Disorders.
- 2. 11. Diabetes Mellitus and other metabolic diseases
- 2. 12. Diseases such as urinary tract / Ureter, Renal (kidney stones, colic), Vesica urethra urinary stones in
- the urinary tract including the above.
- 2. 13. Joint disorders (rheumatic / Gout) or Bone Disorders (Osteoporosis) and other muscle diseases.
- 2. 14. Cataracts
- 2. 15. Abnormalities in the nasal septum or turbinates and sinuses, such as septum deviation.
- 2. 16. Tonsils where tonsil Surgery is required.
- 2. 17. Any type of hernia (example: HNP or nucleus pulposus hernia)
- 2. 18. Ani fistula.
- 2. 19. Reproductive Tract Disease in women (Endometriosis, Cysts, myomas) and in men (Enlarged
- Prostate,Varicocele,hydrocele), etc.
- 2. 20. Skin abnormalities that do not require antibiotics for treatment.
- 2. 21. Any other illness/disease which is considered Chronic Disease.
- Suicide or self-inflicted injuries or any attempt thereat, whether sane or insane
- Violation or any attempt of violation of the law or resistance to lawful arrest.
- Injuries and sickness arising directly or indirectly from war, any act of war (declared or not), terrorist activities, full-time service in any of the armed forces, direct participation in riot, strike and civil commotion or insurrection or criminal acts by the Insured Person.
- Any dental work, dental treatment or dental surgery including the excision of impacted tooth except as necessitated by an Accident.
- Cost of Glasses, eye examinations or refractions for the purpose of their fitting of glasses and eye glasses.
- All kinds of refractive surgery and LASIK surgery (including its consequences)
- Hearing Aids or the fitting thereof.
- Pregnancy, childbirth including caesarean section, miscarriage, any abortion (and its consequence) unless it has been confirmed by a Physician to be Medically Necessary), pre-natal or post-natal care and all complications therefrom. Any treatment relating to surgical, mechanical or chemical contraceptive methods of birth control, treatment pertaining to infertility and treatment of menstrual disorders.
- Communicable diseases requiring (by law) isolation or quarantine, and epidemic diseases (ie : Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/SARS)
- Any treatment or surgery to Congenital Conditions. Congenital Conditions are deemed to include hereditary conditions, such as :
- 1. Thalassemia
- 2. Hemofilia
- 3. Congenital Hemangioma
- 4. Polydactil
- 5. Congenital Hydrocephalus
- 6. Atresia Ani
- 7. Atresia Billier
- 8. Congenital Strabismus
- 9. Fistula Pre-Auriculer
- 10. Congenital Glaucoma Infantile
- 11. Hypospadia
- 12. Mamae Aberans
- 13. Plano Valgus
- 14. Plano Valus
- 15. Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
- 16. Dermoid Cyst
- 17. Diabetes Juvemile
- 18. Atrial Septal Defect
- 19. Ventricular Septal Defect
- 20. Patent Ductus Arteriosus
- 21. Any Illness or other medical abnormalities categorized as Congenital Conditions
- Any hernia prior to 12 years old and epilepsy except when caused by trauma which occurs after the Original Inception Date of this policy.
- Any cosmetic/beauty treatment/therapy/operation including non medically necessary reconstruction Surgery, plastic Surgery for any reason
- Any treatment for weight gain/loss
- Special nursing fees or purchases of any appliance or prosthetic devices except for the rental of these devices during Hospitalization.
- All type of claim submissions which are paid under BPJS Ketenagakerjaan/BPJS Kesehatan Insurance Policy or Social Benefit Organization/other institution. The Insurer will only responsible for paying the remainder bills, or pay the claim submission subject to Policy Schedule, whichever is lower.
- Any expenses not related to treatment, such as telephone, television, and similar facilities.
- Examination/therapy which is related to psychological (stress) including any related treatment for physical function disorder or mental including physiology or psychosomatic; or any condition caused by neuron Disease (neurosis).
- Any routine medical or physical check-up, physical therapy, that is not Medically Necessary
- Any preventive treatments/medicines/ examinations
- Treatment by any person other than a registered medical practitioner.
- No benefit shall be paid as a result of Confinement in any Hospital where care was provided to the Insured Person without charge.
- Conditions related to Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Veneral Diseases and their sequel.
- AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and ARC (AIDS Related Complications) including HIV or any sequel.
- Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or nuclear waste from process or fission or from nuclear weapons material.
- Injury caused by participation any kind of competition (except running), including, but not limited to diving that requires respiratory apparatus, rafting, edge climbing, hunting, polo, horse jumping or racing, car/motor racing winter sports and professional sports
- Injury, Sickness or Disease as a result of flying in an aircraft unless as a passenger on a commercial flight with a licensed carrier
- Any routine examination for preventive purposes, such as Pap's smear examination to determine the presence of cancer cells.
- Any examination and treatment that is not recognized in western medicine, including, but not limited to acupuncture, chiropractic, shin she, traditional examination, herbs and others, including the consequences thereof.
- Rest cures or sanitaria care including treatment for recuperative purposes such as mental or physical fatigue; veneral diseases; drug abuse or alcoholism
- Injury, Sickness or Disease as a result of natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, storms, floods or geological or other meteorological phenomena.
- Cryo preservation or introduction or re-introduction of living cells
- The acquisition and implantation of artificial heart and mono or bi-ventricular devices
- Travelling specifically to obtain medical treatment unless agreed by the Insurer