simas sehat platinum 
 adalah produk asuransi kesehatan premium yang dibuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Financial Protection terhadap resiko biaya yang meningkat akibat perkembangan kemajuan teknologi kesehatan dan kualitas layanan kesehatan.

simas sehat platinum

Produk simas sehat platinum adalah Asuransi Kesehatan yang memberikan perlindungan terluas kepada Tertanggung individu yang terdiri dari jaminan Rawat Inap, Rawat Jalan, Transplantasi Organ Tubuh, Evakuasi Medis Darurat serta Repatriasi/Pengembalian Jenazah dan atau Biaya Pemakaman
Kelebihan simas sehat platinum adalah :
•    Menjamin proteksi kesehatan peserta asuransi hingga usia 99 tahun.
•    Limit biaya sampai dengan 2 juta US Dollar per tahun.
•    Proteksi biaya pengobatan yang berlaku diseluruh dunia.
•    Cashless di jaringan provider Asuransi Sinar Mas.
•    Layanan medical second opinion untuk pengobatan.
•    Layanan transportasi medis darurat.
•    Layanan 24 jam customer care.
•    Limit tahunan untuk kemoterapi dan radioterapi.

What is simas sehat platinum ?

As the capabilities and quality of modern medical care continue to improve with new technology and knowledge, so does the cost. The cost of someone requiring medical attention can be a hassle to their financial plans and security.

Asuransi Sinar Mas offers exclusive insurance coverage to ensure the best medical care and services are available for you and your family.

simas sehat platinum was designed by Asuransi Sinar Mas in conjuction with CEGA and IPH London which is supported by Llyod's of London in the United Kingdom, one of the world's most trusted and respected insurance underwriter.

Introduction of simas sehat platinum

Worldwide Medical Expenses Protection Plan

The health of you and your families are the centre of simas sehat platinum. Through our first-class services, we value our client by providing the best services and products to make a positive impact on your satisfaction.

As the capabilities and quality of modern medical care continue to improve with new technology and knowledge, so does the cost. The cost of someone requiring medical attention can be a hassle to their financial plans and security.

Asuransi Sinar Mas offers exclusive insurance coverage to ensure the best medical care and services are available for you and your family.

simas sehat platinum was designed by Asuransi Sinar Mas in conjuction with CEGA and IPH London which is supported by Llyod's of London in the United Kingdom, one of the world's most trusted and respected insurance underwriter.
Value Added Services

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Maintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely crucial to live a higher quality life. Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our actions and emotions. It’s an ongoing circle. Therefore, it is important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions.

Health and Wellness Education. Whether you or your families are healthy individuals looking for additional healthy lifestyle tips or have a chronic condition and want to learn how to reach your optimal state of health we offer an array of health and wellness education materials to aid you in their efforts.

simas sehat consultation forum provides helpful information, including monthly health topics.

Medical Second Opinion is service from simas sehat platinum to provide their customer to get the best medical treatment around the world. For many patients, it has become a routine part of the medical process: Get a diagnosis or treatment plan and then seek a second opinion.

simas sehat treatment referral provides alternatives medical facilities by consulting with our domestically or worldwide partners.